Osman Reşer (1883-1972)

“He was blond-haired and blue-eyed, medium height or a little taller, and generally wore a tie. He would eat, and he was also fond of cats. He was a little indifferent in terms of character. He wasn’t one to talk too much. He would speak if necessary. He was a little disheveled. It was like he would scoff at life, which he generally looked at standoffishly. He was of the conviction that many ideas were in error, such that he didn’t give importance to material life. He was mystical to a degree. Apart from academia, he didn’t give anything the attention it needed. He was serious when facing knowledge. He regretted none of his choices.”

Studies & Presentations

Güler Doğan Averbek, Thoralf Hanstein (2022)

Oskar Rescher-Biographical Finds around Manuscripts, Books and Libraries navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler-Thoralf Hanstein (2022). “Oskar Rescher-Biographical Finds around Manuscripts, Books and Libraries.” Sammler – Bibliothekare – Forscher: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Orientalischen Sammlungen an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin [Collectors-Librarians-Readers: Contributions to the history of the Oriental Collections at the Berlin State Library], ed. Sabine Mangold-Will, Christoph Rauch, Siegfried Schmitt. Sonderband der Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. Frankfurt/Main: Vittorio Klostermann Verlag, 387-449.

Güler Doğan Averbek, Beate Wiesmüller (2022)

The Manuscripts Oskar Rescher Sold to the Leipzig University Library Between 1925-1934 navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler-Beate Wiesmüller (2022). “The Manuscripts Oskar Rescher Sold to the Leipzig University Library Between 1925-1934.” Journal of Islamic Review/İslam Tetkikleri Dergisi (12/1), 157-185.

Güler Doğan Averbek (2021)

The Manuscripts Oskar Rescher Sold to the Berlin State Library Between 1913-1936 navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler (2021). “The Manuscripts Oskar Rescher Sold to the Berlin State Library Between 1913-1936.” Journal of Islamic Review/İslam Tetkikleri Dergisi (11/2), 477-568.

Güler Doğan Averbek, Thoralf Hanstein (2022)

Oskar Rescher’s Manuscript Collections in Berlin and Leipzig: Did Rescher Take Advantage of Turkey’s Manuscript Market? navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler-Thoralf Hanstein. “Oskar Rescher’s Manuscript Collections in Berlin and Leipzig: Did Rescher Take Advantage of Turkey’s Manuscript Market?” Orientalische Handschriften in Deutschland – Sammlungsgeschichte im Spannungsfeld von akademischem Wissensdrang, globalem Antiquitätenhandel und imperialem Machtstreben [Oriental Manuscripts in Germany – Collection History between the Academic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power], 29 June-1 July 2022, Berlin.

FATİH Türkyılmaz, Anadolu Agency (2022)

Divan şairi Baki'nin tercüme ettiği eser asırlar sonra tespit edildi navigation-next-alternate

Divan şairi Baki'nin tercüme ettiği eser asırlar sonra tespit edildi: Divan şairi Baki’nin “Hayatu’l-Kulûb bi-Rivâyâti Ebi Eyyûb" isimli tercümesi ortaya çıktı. Eserin günümüz Türkçesiyle yayımı için çalışmalarını sürdüren Marmara Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Güler Doğan Averbek, sahabe Ebu Eyyub el-Ensarî’den rivayet edilen hadislerin derlemesi olan eserin keşif hikayesini AA muhabirine anlattı.

Güler Doğan Averbek (2021)

Mühtedi Alman Şarkiyatçı Osman Reşer (1883-1972) ve Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Yazma Ticareti navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler. “Mühtedi Alman Şarkiyatçı Osman Reşer (1883-1972) ve Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Yazma Ticareti.” İSAMER, İstanbul University, 21 October 2021, Istanbul.

Güler Doğan Averbek, Thoralf Hanstein (2021)

Fuat Sezgin’in Akim Kalan Brockelmann Projesi: Oskar Rescher’in Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL) Nüshası navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler-Thoralf Hanstein. “Fuat Sezgin’in Akim Kalan Brockelmann Projesi: Oskar Rescher’in Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL) Nüshası.” II. Uluslararası Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin İslam Bilim Tarihi Sempozyumu, 7-9 October 2021, Istanbul.

Güler Doğan Averbek (2021)

The Manuscripts Oskar Rescher Sold to the Berlin State Library 1913–1936 navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler (2021). “The Manuscripts Oskar Rescher Sold to the Berlin State Library 1913–1936.” Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin.

Güler Doğan Averbek (2020-2021)

Reconstruction of Oskar Rescher’s Life and Works as an Orientalist: A Life between Germany and Istanbul navigation-next-alternate

Doğan Averbek, Güler (Project by). “Reconstruction of Oskar Rescher’s Life and Works as an Orientalist: A Life between Germany and Istanbul.” Funded by Preussischer Kulturbesitz-Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 01.01.2020-30.10.2021.